This was a challenging project; there was a huge drainage problem in a yard withan existing landscape with really nice hardscape features (two patios, one ofthem raised). The strategy was to remove all the landscaping but the raised patio,remove the contaminated soil, dig a drain trench along with re-grading withclean soil and re-compacting. While me did this work me were also able toimprove the patio by reinforcing it with geogrid and installing aHolland 4x8 (charcoal) soldier course around along its perimeter. The productsused were the Blue 60 mm (Champlain Grey) from Techo Bloc, Cobble Bricks (charcoal,Expocrete) for the bed edging, and Mini Creta Wall Stones (Champlain Grey, TechoBloc).for the fire pit.
6-7 Weeks
Fire Pit
Tree Planting